(basta una mano di vernice rossa)
Si tratta dell’uso dell’aviazione “russa” nella guerra civile Ukraina.
L’ex Ambasciatore USA in Ucraina ha dichiarato che la linea rossa e’ l’uso dell’aviazione russa nel Donbass.
da Moon of Alabama (ve lo consiglio…)
In an interview this morning a former U.S. ambassador to Ukraine made a completely speculative statement on Russian air attack plans against Ukrainian forces reportedthe Ukrainian propaganda outletCensor.net:
“Certainly, everyone is concerned that the Kremlin is making this war in Ukraine increasingly open. They used to hide all their steps, all their aggression. Now it’s increasingly clear what Moscow is doing. So, conceivably, Moscow can decide to use its Air Force,” he stated, adding that if it does that even the most skeptical Europeans who doubted the hand of the Kremlin in the conflict will see that Russia is conducting war.“Our report (on the situation in Ukraine to President Obama – ed.) did not specifically recommend anti-aircraft weapons … but we talked about it,” Herbst said. He added that the reason for that is a possible major escalation of the conflict. The former ambassador stated that if Putin were to use his Air Force, the United States’ reaction would be swift.That statement by the former ambassador was a huge invitation for a “false flag” event. As the Ukraine and Russia fly similar types of air planes a “false flag” attack by Ukrainian planes on Ukrainian forces could easily be “sold” as a Russian attack. The ambassador seemingly offers that as a way to get the U.S. militarily involved……..
C’è un particolare, l’aviazione Ucraina dispone di aeri identici a quelli in forze all’aviazione Russa. Sarebbe fin troppo facile fare in modo che un aereo con le insegne russe (ben visibili eh, mi raccomando, ci metterei anche un paio di passaporti russi “dimenticati” nella carlinga, pare vada di moda disseminare documenti per i nemici dell’occidente) venga filmato o venga abbattuto da qualche parte sulla linea del fronte.
Sarà questo il probabile false flag che scatenerà l’intervento dell’occidente nella guerra civile Ucraina.
Guarda tu il caso strano, sulla pagina facebook dei nazisti conosciuti come “Battaglione Azov” appare questo (tradotto):
On its Facebook page Azov proclaimed (auto translated original):The battalion of special purpose “Azov” – new page2 hours agoRussia used aircraft during Debaltseve 2 Su-25 attacked the positions of the 40th Battalion.Russian aircraft attacked the Ukrainian viyskovosluzhbo SRO near Novohryhorivka.2 Su-25 Russian Air Force 20 minutes ago inflicted airstrike on positions 40th Battalion in the area under Novohryhorivka Debaltseve.#Polk_Azov #Debaltseve #Aviation
Scommettiamo che i nostri simpatici media sussidiati cominceranno prestro a ragliare di aerei russi che bombardano i poveri ukraini. (o poverelli…. ne riparliamo tra qualche anno, quando queste simpatiche bande di nazisti addestrati alla guerra circoleranno liberi nella libera europa)
ringrazio UZ per la segnalazione.
Fonte: rischiocalcolato.it